Q-Aye! – The Scottish Facts You Need To Know | Part 5

Put yourself to the test with our list of 30 essential weird and wonderful Scottish facts. How many do you know?
Mary, Queen of Scots – an avid pool player?
21. Mary, Queen of Scots owned one of the first ever billiard tables. In fact, while awaiting her execution, she complained of being deprived of her billiard table.
22. American President, Franklin D Roosevelt made his Scottie dog an honorary private in the US army, with his own press secretary. His full name was “Murray the Outlaw of Falahill” in honour of one of FDR’S Scottish ancestors.
23. The world famous Beatles Abbey Road cover was taken by Scottish photographer, Iain MacMillan.
24. Scottish television pioneer, John Logie Baird once tried to invent an unsuccessful lotion for piles which left him unable to sit down for a week.
25. Scotland established the world’s first skating club in Edinburgh in 1742. To qualify as a member applicants had to prove their ability to skate a complete circle and to jump over three hats.
MORE: See next 5 facts
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