75 Scottish Songs To Hear In Your Lifetime

From forgotten gems to the major hits of yesteryear, we present the 75 essential Scottish songs to hear in your lifetime
Scottish music is not all pipes and drums! Here’s 75 of the most influential songs to have come out of Scotland in the last 50 years. Some you’ll know off by heart, and more than a few might be new to you, but all have helped shape modern music into what it is today.
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Gallery: Click the image on the right hand side for our favourite five Scottish album covers from the rundown.
- Gerry Rafferty – City To City (1978)
- Cocteau Twins – Treasure (1984)
- Camera Obscura – My Maudlin Career (2009)
- Primal Scream – Screamadelica (1991)
- Fairground Attraction – The First Of A Million Kisses (1988)
- 75 Essential Scottish Songs
What do you think?
What’s your ultimate Scottish song?
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