Scottish Heroes – Vote For Your Favourite Literary Great!

Chapter two in our new Scottish Heroes bookazine focuses on Scotland’s literary greats. Now we pit them against each other so you can choose your favourite


Traditional storytelling has always been an integral part of Scottish culture and, therefore, so is literature.

Bards were valuable advisors to clan chieftains and they kept the history of the clan’s achievements and heritage alive through song, poetry and tale – long before the advent of the written word. It is through the works of these bards that the exploits of many of the early heroes in this book are still known to Scottish children today.

The Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh is dedicated to celebrating this cultural heritage, and Scotland also has an official publicly-funded poet, the Scots Makar.

The current Makar is Jackie Kay, who keeps new generations connected with this heritage through her work. You can read more about Jackie and other influential writers in this section of Literary Greats.


It’s time to pick your favourite literary great!


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Now vote for your favourite sports legend >>

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