Have Your Say!

Your opinion matters to us at The Scots Magazine

Do you have an opinion that you want to share? And do you want that opinion to influence important decisions about your favourite magazine? If so, we would like to invite you to apply to join our Scots Magazine reader panel.

As a member of the panel, not only will your views on the features and advertising content in The Scots Magazine help shape the future of the magazine, you will also be entered into a monthly prize draw. Each month, one panellist will win £200 and two runners up will scoop £25 each.

Click the button below to take part, or read on for more information…




How does it work?

We, at The Scots Magazine, value our content and our readers so we have partnered with Research & Analysis of Media UK (RAM) to create online research panels. The surveys ask for our readers’ opinions on editorial and advertising content in our magazine and website.

Once you sign up to the RAM panel, as a panellist you will be sent online surveys to complete, which will ask what you thought about stories and features, as well as about your awareness of advertisements in the pages of your Scots Magazine.

Your opinions and views will then be taken on board by decision makers at The Scots Magazine.

What is it like being a member of the reader panel?

Some current members of the reader panel have expressed their enjoyment about being part of the discussions, and encourage others to join because “the bigger cross section of the public, the better the spread of views”:

One panellist said: “I enjoy being on The Scots Magazine Panel. The surveys are varied and enjoyable. I like sharing my views on all sorts of subjects.”

A second panel member agreed that it is enjoyable, and added: “The varied subjects we are asked to comment on are interesting and I like the topical subjects too.”

Another said: “I am very happy to participate in these surveys. I enjoy taking part in the surveys as it makes me think about how others would look at things.”


How do I sign up?

Simply click the button below!





Terms and conditions

The Scots Magazine Reader Panel is managed on our behalf by RAM who will hold your details securely and safely. They would never be used for any other purposes. As a member of the panel, you will be sent online surveys so that you can let us know your opinions on the articles and adverts that appear in the magazine. The surveys are quick and easy to answer and for every survey you respond to, you will receive an entry into the monthly Reader Panel prize draw.


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