Celebrating Old Newport-on-Tay

The Old Newport and Wormit exhibition will open later this month for a fascinating insight into Fife’s past…
Over the last weekend in August (Saturday, 27, and Sunday, 28) visitors to North East Fife can explore its history in a multimedia exhibit in Blyth Hall, Newport-on-Tay.
Witness significant moments in the villages’ history through photographs, maps and video clips, with a reference section of census records, valuation rolls and directories for finding distant relations.
In keeping with Scotland’s Year of Innovation, Architecture & Design, the main focus of this year’s exhibition is on the evolving transport links.
Browse displays on everything from the original staging post for horses to the Tay ferryboats (or “Fifies” as they were known), and from the first construction of Newport Railway to this year’s 50th anniversary of the Queen Mother opening the Tay Road Bridge.
The exhibition provides a fascinating insight into our past, and into activities and ways of life long gone, but not quite forgotten.
For visiting information click through to Facebook, and click here for more amazing images and words from organiser Mairi Shiels.
- A busy ferry discharges its passengers at Newport.
- Visit of the Queen Mother (then Queen) to Newport in 1950.