Q-Aye 2 – More Scottish Facts!

Gayle’s back with another round of essential weird and wonderful Scottish facts.
Put yourself to the test – how many do you know?
Scottish explorer Joseph Thomson used false teeth and Epsom salts to help save his life. In 1882, on his 1,500 mile trek through Masaii Land he removed his teeth and added Epsom salts to water as tricks to convince the Masaii warriors that he was a powerful witch doctor and they should allow him to pass safely through their territory. It worked!
Bonnie Prince Charlie died in the same building he was born in – the Palazzo del Re in Rome.
In 1900 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle caught fire during a cricket match at Lord’s when the ball hit a box of matches in his pocket. Thankfully the game wasn’t part of the Ashes series…
Crazy Horse’s brother-in-law was a Scotsman who is credited with saving the buffalo from extinction. James ‘Scotty’ Philip was born in Morayshire. Through his marriage to a native American woman he became Crazy Horse’s brother-in-law and at the time of his death in 1911 he was acknowledged as saviour of the buffalo through the success of his ranch in South Dakota.
Claret was Scotland’s national drink long before the distillation of whisky became commercially viable. Whisky was regarded as common and for the working classes!