Scottish Myths And Folklore Quiz – Answers

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Q1. What is the name of the monster – often said to the be cousin of Nessie – that supposedly lives in Loch Moror in Lochaber?
Nessie’s wee cousin Morag lives in the depths of Loch Morar
Q2. The ghost of a headless horseman haunts which Scottish island?
The Isle of Mull is said to be haunted by the ghost of Ewen (Eoghann a’Chinn Bhig, meaning “Ewen of the Little Head”) who was decapitated in 1538 in a duel on Glen More.
Q3. The last woman to be legally executed for witchcraft on the British Isles was from Dornoch in Sutherland, Scotland.
True – her name was Janet Horne, and she was burned at the stake in 1727.
Q4. What are Will-O’-The-Wisps known as in Lowland Scotland?
These mysterious lights are known as Spunkies in the lands of the Borders
Q5.In which city would you find Greyfriars Kirkyard, said to be the most haunted graveyard in Scotland?
Greyfriars Kirkyard can be found on Candlemaker Row in Edinburgh.
Q6. What native tree is said to ward off witches and other evil spirits?
The rowan tree is said to offer protection from magic and evil. Twig bundles can be carried in a pocket to prevent enchantment or a spell being cast upon the carrier.
Q7. Which Scottish site is haunted by the ghost of a vengeful dog whose English master was slain in battle?
Roslin Castle – in the early 14th century one of the castle’s defenders was attacked by the dog of the man he’d just slain. The dog was killed, and later the defender “died of terror” on nightwatch one night. The ghost of the hound can be heard howling for its master to this day.
Q8. Visitors to Pitlochry are advised to keep off the streets at night to avoid the resident bogle. Why should you be afraid of this bogle?
One touch from the bogle means certain death within a year. The bogle appears as a white spectre and haunts the crossroads. You have been warned!
Q9. Skara Brae on Orkney is the best-preserved Neolithic village in Europe, but how old is it?
More than 5000 years old. Skara Brae was occupied from 3200 BCE.
Q10. In Gaelic folklore, the Cailleach washes her great plaid in the Corryvreckan whirlpool and heralds which season?
The Cailleach is also known as Beira, the Queen of Winter, and when she washes her plaid, ice crystals fly from the fibres to cover Scotland in snow.