Anster Cheese Scones

The first of our Crail Food Festival recipes comes from Jane Stewart of the St Andrews Farmhouse Cheese Company for delicious cheese scones…
1 lb self raising flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 egg
3 tablespoons rapeseed oil
1 teaspoon of wholegrain mustard
pinch of salt
½ lb grated Anster cheese
milk to mix
1 Mix the dry ingredients together.
2 Add the grated cheese.
3 Mix together the egg, mustard and a little milk, then add to the dry ingredients.
4 Continue to add a little more milk, gradually, until you reach the consistency of thick porridge.
5 Turn out onto a floured surface, and pat until about 1 inch deep
6 Cut into required size of rounds.
7 Place on a lightly floured baking tray, and bake at 150°C until golden brown and cooked through.
Delicious served to accompany a bowl of soup.
In association with Taste Communications