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Scots At Waterloo

The Royal Scots Greys – now known as The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards – lead Scotland’s programme of events to mark the 200th anniversary of Waterloo Napoleon called them “Les […]


Ptarmigan Watch

This rock has been sitting with its back to me for quite a while now. Time has stalled, become meaningless, which if I’m honest is the way I like it best. Spring is […]


Running Scotland – From End To End!

Two outdoor enthusiasts are running the entire length of Scotland in just over 3 weeks Emma Forsell and Linnéa Grahn make up Mind for Adventure, an outdoor-focused organisation that celebrates […]


Chamber Music at Cottier’s

The Cottier Chamber Project is the largest chamber music festival in the UK, and I was keen to experience some of their first solo venture It might be something you […]


Meeting Mother Nature

The roe doe is the spirit of the edge of the wood this bright and mellow May evening. And what on earth, you might well ask, do I mean by that? […]


A Sonic Experience

Take the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, the National Chorus of Wales, one Doctor, a giant screen and a host of the scariest monsters in the universe – and you get […]


Guardians Honoured

The Saltire is flying over Stirling Bridge for the first time in over 700 years In a formal unveiling ceremony on Friday, May 29, the Saltire was raised over a […]

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