Five Strangest Glasgow Facts

Think you know everything there is to know about the pride of the Clyde? Here are five strange facts you might not know about Glasgow…

Victoria Park
Eleven extinct fossilised trees in Fossil Grove in Glasgow’s Victoria Park are twice as old as dinosaurs. They date back 330 million years to a time when Glasgow’s climate was warm and humid.
The City Chambers has been home to the Glasgow City Council since 1996 but one would not normally think of it as a holy place. Surprisingly, it was built using more marble than the Vatican.

George Square and the Glasgow City Chambers
International football debuted in Glasgow. The first official match was played in Partick between Scotland and England. The match happened at the West of Scotland Cricket Club in 1872 and was nil-nil draw.
Move over Paris, Glasgow has a claim to being the true City of Love. After all, the remains of St Valentine were sent to Glasgow in 1868, and now reside in Blessed St John Duns Scotus in the Gorbals.
The first place you could ever watch TV was in Glasgow. Scottish engineer John Logie Baird transmitted the first moving images in 1926 from London’s Royal Institution to Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel at the city’s Central Station.

Grand Central Hotel