Mountains Of The Moon

2018 Moons
- Wolf Moon, January 2
- Blue Moon, January 31
- Worm Moon, March 3
- Blue Moon, March 31
- Pink Moon, April 30
- Flower Moon, May 29
- Strawberry Moon, June 28
- Buck Moon, July 27
- Sturgeon Moon, August 26
- Harvest Moon, September 25
- Hunter's Moon, October 24
- Beaver Moon, November 23
- Cold Moon, December 22
Alan Rowan is on a mission to “bag” all 13 full moons this year!
The midnight mountaineer hopes to hike a relevant Scottish mountain on every full moon of 2018.
“Each moon has a different name,” Alan explains, “which originate in Native American lore.
“I love the romance and mythology of these, and I am trying to choose a mountain area which resonates with each moon.”
Have a look at the moon names on the left, and let us know if you can think of a mountain destination to tie in with it! Share your suggestions with us via email, or on Facebook or Twitter.
Follow Alan online for the latest news @MunroMoonwalker and with the hashtag #MountainsOfTheMoon.
Check out Alan’s blogs below…
Ben Cruachan Under The Beaver Moon
“The snow got deeper. The path was invisible in places, the rocks of the boulder field rimed and slippy…”
A challenging ascent for Alan’s penultimate Mountains Of The Moon hike.
Steep Frowning Glories
“We were treated to something akin to the little-known middle verse of Lord Byron’s seminal poem Dark Lochnagar!”
Alan battled through a stormy night to reach the summit of Lochnagar
Harvest Moon From The Misty Mountain
“the track a glowing silver streak while behind the hills were white candy floss towers”
Beinn a’Ghlo lived up to its nickname “mountain of mists” under September’s Harvest Moon
Under The Sturgeon Moon
“It was a yellow ball of fuzz, as though in need of fine-tuning.”
The Sturgeon Moon was swimming beneath billowing waves of cloud, which was rather fitting after all…
The Peak of the Deer
“His antlers seeming to glow silver – sunlight flashing off velvet.”
It was a long night under the Buck Moon, but Alan Rowan finally found the perfect tribute
Strawberry Moon From Strawberry Cottage
“The sky now seemed to be on fire, blazing oranges, reds and yellows – the warm-up act for the sun king.”
Alan headed into the Affric mountains for the perfect view of June’s Strawberry Moon
Fifth Time Lucky
“My faith has been restored – the Pink Moon delivered in abundance.”
Alan’s fifth moonwalk of 2018 was up Beinn Eighe, under the clearest night he could have asked for.
A Blue Night
“My watch had died, overwhelmed by the cold, my phone battery likewise. Even the camera was flashing red, rendered useless.”
Alan was just about blue himself with cold under the second Blue Moon of 2018
The Early Bird Doesn’t Always Catch The Worm
“I had always feared the third full moon of the year would turn out to be the problem child of the 13.”
“The Beast from the East” somewhat impeded Alan Rowan’s hiking plans to catch the Worm Moon.
Blue Moon – Cairn Gorm
“…there was a thunderous moaning from the wind sweeping over the cliffs.”
The “blue mountain” was perfectly suited to January’s full moon – even if the weather wasn’t!
Wolf Moon – Beinn Alligin
“Suddenly the night became a lot darker and colder.”
Alan’s first moonwalk of 2018 was under a Wolf Moon, so he decided to head to the Corrie of the Wolf on Beinn Alligin…
Check back here after each full moon
to find out how Alan gets on!
More From Alan